I hate to admit that I am an avid Housewives viewer on Bravo. My husband walks by and literally chokes as he says “I can’t believe you are watching this AGAIN?” While I work on my I Pad I actually have it on for background noise as I surely seen the segment at least twice. Look I can see why they don’t have “The Housewives of Temecula”, nothing against Temecula they are looking to fill our lives with glitz and glamour! But seriously the world should be ready for “Housewives of Real Estate” as the stories we can tell on a daily basis are endless. The world is ready for “housewives of real estate” as the stories we can tell are hard to “invent “! Plus, as Housewives of Real Estate we could sure do with daily hair and makeup. Have seen photos of Gretchen from Orange County when she was younger – DIFFERENT face folks. Why do they call it reality T.V.?

Housewives of Real Estate” – Scene One. Realtor sitting on floor time…meaning when we sit in the office and pray for walk in clients or a useful phone call. Usually about the listings that our many offices have available. Unfortunately with the addition of the zillion of real estate search sites that have appeared on the internet every strango, prospective someday client, lookie loo and occasionally a real buyer, has already spend hours on end on line looking at properties! What these folks fail to know or understand is that unless they are looking at the ACTUAL real estate site (when that’s available we can all pack up and look for other careers) the information they are receiving is usually not 100% accurate. Take Short Sale, they show up as Active on all sites, actually it is NOT Active but Contingent, however those sites do not offer Contingent Status. How many angry phone calls have I received ;

“Well its ACTIVE” on Zillow, or Redfin, or Truilla how can it be in escrow?”

Housewife of Real Estate has by this time spend at least 20 minutes again explaining the process, which at this point is making caller even madder. This is NOT the house they want or plan to buy they just want to make sure they CAN buy it! At this point I can no more convert this caller to a client than the man in the moon, because he is just mad at me for telling him “no”. This is really how they see it. Come on, this is a good as Gretchen and Vicki yelling at each other about their dead beat boyfriends? Housewive of Real Estate next issue is that the listing is not listed by our office and I have NO idea how they got our number. From three sites ago??

Housewives of Real Estate – Scene Two. Then there is the caller that is foreign. Please know that that I am all about equality in home purchasing, but sometimes I just can’t understand the client, and many times their agent! I am not a political animal but should we really be giving the real estate test out in as many languages as possible> Housewive of Real Estate gets a call and I literally cannot understand a word the caller is saying. I know its a question about a HOUSE but that’s about it. They are standing in front of a sign, not necessarily ours, and calling for information. They have NO idea of the address or where they are. I apologize and say that we have a really bad connection and ask one more time, “I’m sorry sir what is the address again?” You know they hate your guts by now and the only hope is to say could you please spell that? A like Apple, B like Boy etc.

The last thing I want in this business is to turn off a prospective client. So, Housewive of Real Estate begs for an e mail, doing the A is for Apple again, and tell him/her that I will out ALL info about the property and get back to them. It’s interesting because if this works and we have a “face to face” meeting its much easier to communicate. We live in a very desirable area so we have many foreign buyers. But come on this makes for good T.V.

These darn modern devices like the CELL phone and the INTERNET are a challenge. Housewives of Real Estate- I truly could go on forever. Internet Series to come?? Call Hair and Make Up!

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